Updated 8/25/24
Holtec, the company now decommissioning the former Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant, wants to release over 1 MILLION GALLONS OF RADIOACTIVE WATER into Cape Cod Bay. Several heartings were held and a separate public comment period was given to allow those opposed to the proposal to submit their views. The Save the Bay organization sponsored rallies and letter writing campaigns, and several towns and private individuals submitted legal arguments in opposition.
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection has issued its ruling denying Holtec's request. That ruling was not based on either policy or scientific grounds, but rather a legal issue. Specifically, the MADEP determined that the Holtec plan would violate the Marine Sanctuaries Act by dumping polutants into a protcted area. Not surprisingly, Holtec has apealed this ruling, arguing that because its permit predates the Ocean Sanctuaries Act its ongoing activities cannot be restricted by that law. There is no timeline for a ruling on this appeal, and it could up to a year to decide after which Holtec has further avenues for legal challenge.
On May 6, 2022, Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) held a "field hearing" of the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee in Plymouth on Issues Facing Communities with Decommissioning Nuclear Plants. To view the video of the entire 3+ hour hearing, go to https://www.facebook.com/EdJMarkey/videos/369466435223333/
The Provincetown Independent has written an article explaining the finances behind Holtec's activities. To read the article, go to https://provincetownindependent.org/news/2022/05/18/holtec-expects-to-make-huge-profit-off-pilgrim-plant/