Steve Bolotin - Candidate for Planning Board
The Planning Board is more than site plan review and subdivision approval. In Plymouth, it is responsible for planning the long range physical, environmental, economic and community development of the Town. Steve Bolotin brings new ideas and a new perspective to this role.
Steve has lived in Plymouth since 2005, and for over 30 years, has served as an attorney working with towns throughout New England on every aspect of municipal land use, from regulatory considerations through project construction.
“I have had the privilege of a unique career which allowed me to learn about planning, development, construction, and operations from experts working in real world situations. It has also given the advantage of being allowed to see, from the inside, where ideas and processes fail.”
Working with towns and cities throughout New England, Steve has been involved from beginning to end on projects as varied as sewer lines, water treatment facilities, docks and shipping channels, schools, public safety buildings, and historical restorations. But a few years ago, Steve decided to leave his legal practice in order to focus on public service.
“Plymouth is run by volunteer government. That requires time and dedication. I watched others making that commitment and felt that it was something I needed to do as well. I saw it as a way to give back; to use my knowledge and experience to benefit my community.”
Since making that commitment, Steve has made Plymouth his full-time job. He is currently the Planning Board Alternate, Chair of the Master Plan Task Group, Secretary of the Senior Task Force, and a Town Meeting Member. He has also served on the Redistricting Working Group and the Town Manager Screening Committee. When asked why he is now seeking a seat on the Planning Board, Steve replied:
“As the Alternate on the Planning Board, and Chair of our Master Plan Task Group, I have seen the importance of proactive management of land and resources in Plymouth. Our population is growing, with more people moving here every day. And who can blame them? Like me, they are drawn by our spectacular coastline, our magnificent forests, our beautiful ponds, our charming villages, and our historical downtown.
But at the same time, we are becoming a victim of our own success. With new people comes the demand for more housing, additional services, and expanded infrastructure. Our planning hasn’t kept up. As a result, housing has expanded in rural areas which we want to preserve, and at the same time we have fallen behind in bringing in the types of businesses that provide residents with needed services, quality job opportunities, and essential tax revenue. Responsible land use is at the heart of addressing these issues.”
Questioned about his approach to Town land use, Steve explained:
“It’s about creating a balance. Plymouth has a Master Plan which identifies the direction the residents want to take. It calls for bringing valued businesses to our commercial centers and focusing residential construction around areas with infrastructure, which will help preserve our rural areas. I believe in that approach, updated to address new realties, such as climate change.”
This philosophy has allowed Steve to work effectively with Town officials, employees, and other committee members, encouraging respectful dialog to bring out new ways to address the challenges facing Plymouth.
More than ever, Plymouth needs to look forward, not backwards, when it comes to planning.
Steve Bolotin has shown that he is the one best suited to help Plymouth move in the right direction.
Steve Bolotin is a candidate in the August 14 special election for Select Board. A 30+ year attorney experienced in municipal government, Steve offers an independent voice on behalf of all Plymouthians.
“I would come to the Select Board without an agenda or representing any particular constituency, and look forward working with all to address the challenges facing our Town.”
“As the Town Charter states, the Select Board is the long-range planning and policy-making body of the Town,” Steve noted. “The Select Board should be on the forefront of the efforts to create a framework for the future of Plymouth, one which capitalizes on the many benefits the Town has to offer.”
Steve has expressed his desire to work with Town departments and community leaders to develop practical, results oriented approaches to responsible development, business growth, and environmental protection.
When asked why he was running for Select Board, Steve indicated that his sole motivation is his desire to serve while bringing a fresh perspective.
“I came here 16 years ago because Plymouth was such a welcoming, inclusive community,” Steve said. “After retiring from 30 years of law firm practice, I decided that it was time to give back by serving as an advocate on behalf of all of the residents of my town.”
With degrees in political science, law, and finance, and experience working with municipalities in contracting, litigation, and ethics matters, Steve is ideally suited to bring a different perspective to the Select Board.
“I have watched Plymouth grow, and it is now at a crossroads. It faces the same types of issues I have seen experienced by other town and city governments, such as escalating costs for services and infrastructure, the need to balance development and open space, and competition for quality businesses and jobs. I have also seen that solutions to these challenges can only come from collaboration and creative approaches across the entire community. That can only be accomplished if self-interest and factionalism are not allowed to play a part.”
For information on events or to get in contact, check out Steve’s website, or follow the campaign on Facebook.
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